Materi Kuliah FTP S3-Perencanaan & Manajemen SDAir

Diskripsi singkat :


Memberikan pemahaman dan pengertian tentang konsep dan prinsip teknik dan manajemen sumberdaya air, khususnya dalam penerapannya dalam bidang pertanian yang khas di wilayah tropis.

  Materi Pembelajaran:

  1. Prinsip dasar perencanaan pengembangan sumberdaya air,
  2. latar belakang dan prinsip pengembangan pertanian di wilayah tropis,
  3. Sistem manajemen sumberdaya air untuk pengembangan pertanian,
  4. Keberadaan sumberdaya air di wilayah tropis,
  5. Teknologi pendayagunaan air,
  6. Supplai-kebutuhan air
  7. Prinsip dasar teknik dan manajemen hidrosistem
  8. Optimasi pendayagunaan air



MATERI PEMBELAJARAN – Masih Dalam Penyusunan


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Materi Pembelajaran S1- Dasar Biosistem

A. Tujuan:
Memberikan pemahaman tentang:

  • —Konsep dasar dan pengertian bio-sistem.
  • —Biologi sebagai sistem dan interaksinya langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan system yang lain.
  • —Sifat-sifat sistem bilologi:  Hierarki, Jaringan, Tujuan, Sistem terbuka, Umpan balik, stabilitas, reproduksi.
  • —Bio-sistem sebagai bagian dari ekosistem.
  • —Interaksi biologi-pertanian-lingkungan.
  • —Teknik biosistem dan aplikasinya dalam memecahkan permasalahan dalam lingkup sistem biologi

B. Ruang Lingkup:

  • —Biologi sebagai suatu system dan interaksinya langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan system yang lain
  • —Bio-sistem sebagai bagian dari ecosystem
  • —Interaksi biologi-pertanian dan lingkungan
  • —Teknik biosistem dan aplikasinya dalam memecahkan permasalahan dalam lingkup sistem biologi





  1. What is Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering?
  2. On-Farm Seed Oil Presses
  3. UCD Biosystems Engineering Design Challenge
  4. Small-scale, On-Farm Biodiesel Production Explained by Daniel Mullenix
  5. Ecosystem Ecology 2
  6. Ecology, Environnment and Ecosystem : Environment and ecology
  7. Energy Flow Ecosystem
  8. Biosystem Engineering


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Water Resource Problems in Developing Countries

The Study on Development Assistance in Water Sectors
Response to Water Problems in Developing Countries

by: Takao Kawakami
President Japan International Cooperation Agency

It is said that 1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to safe water, and 2.4 billion are without access to appropriate sanitation. Not only is there a safe water supply problem, but there are also many other water problems such as water shortage, water pollution, floods, droughts, groundwater drainage / contamination, and disputes over international rivers. By the mid-21st century, when the world population is expected to exceed 9 billion, the water problems will be more critical than those of the oil crisis in the 20th century as the most urgent issue among others.

Under these circumstances, the international community has begun to take various measures, focusing on water problems. The Agenda 21, agreed at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, pointed out that “water is essential not only to human beings but also to all ecosystems”. Subsequently, the World Water Council (WWC) was founded in 1996 and, at its initiative, the “1st World Water Forum” was held in Marrakech, Morocco in 1997. The “World Water Vision” was announced at the “2nd World Water Forum”, held in The Hague, the Netherlands in 2000 and the “3rd World Water Forum” will be held in Japan in 2003.

In response to the current water situation of the world, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) organized from March to October 2001 internal review meetings involving senior water sector specialists and advisors. The objectives of these meetings were to classify comprehensively JICA’s past performance of cooperation in water sectors and to propose a fundamental plan for future cooperation in water sectors. In February 2002, the “Study Group on Development Assistance in Water Sectors” was established and, based on Japan’s experience and standpoint as a main donor, it has made various proposals on comprehensive water management and safe water supply in poverty areas.

The study group is composed of a chairperson, Professor Katsumi Mushiake, seven committee members, advisors, and a task force.  Eight workshops have been held to date. This report has been compiled as a result of this study group’s work. It is my sincere hope that this publication will not only be fully utilized in executing Japan’s cooperation projects in the future, but that it will also be widely available to the relevant organizations.

I acknowledge deeply the efforts to arrange this report by Chairperson, Professor Katsumi Mushiake, all committee members, advisors, and the task force. I am also very grateful to the people who participated in the discussions of this study group.

November 2002

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Materi Pembelajaran FTP-S2-Teknik Biosystem Lanjut

Diskripsi singkat  : Tujuan: Memberikan pemahaman tentang:

  • integrasi ilmu keteknikan (engineering science) dan rancangan (design) yang diaplikasikan dalam ilmu pertanian, ilmu hayati dan ilmu lingkungan;
  • penggunaan prinsip ilmu keteknikan yang diwujudkan dalam konsep rancangan dan analisis dalam system kehidupan yang skalanya mulai dari mikroorganik (microorganisms) sampai ekosistem (ecosystems);
  • aplikasi prinsip keteknikan dalam memecahkan permasalahan dalam lingkup sistem biologi


Integrasi ilmu keteknikan (engineering science) dan rancangan (design) yang diaplikasikan dalam ilmu pertanian, ilmu hayati dan ilmu lingkungan; aplikasi prinsip ilmu keteknikan dalam konsep rancangan dan analisis dalam system kehidupan skala dari mikroorganik (microorganisms) sampai ekosistem (ecosystems); Aplikasi prinsip keteknikan dalam memecahkan permasalahan dalam lingkup sistem pertanian, pengelolaan Sumberdaya berwawasan lingkungan, proses hayati yang menekankan pada perbaikan dan konversi bahan hayati.

Ruang Lingkup: Ruang lingkup pembelajaran difokuskan pada:

  • Sistem Pertanian (Agricultural system) yang menekankan agar proses produksi pertanian lebih efisien, system produksi yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan
  • Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam (Natural Resource Management) yang menekankan pada pengelolaan dan proteksi sumberdaya lingkungan
  • Proses hayati (Bioprocessing) yang menekankan pada perbaikan dan konversi bahan hayat button-read-more



SOAL & LATIHANklik-disini


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